
Friday 11 November 2011

Bora Ring

Bora Ring is a large circle of foot hardened earth surrounded by raised embankments. They were generally constructed in pairs (although some sites have three) . The Bora Ring site was  an initiation ceremony of Indigenous Australians, where young boys are transformed into men.

Wights Mountain ( in the Samford Valley suburb ) has one of the best preserved Aboriginal Ceremonial Bora Grounds in our area. The Bora Grounds consisted of one large ring in which important tribal ceremonies were conducted, and a second secret ring where young initiates were taken to learn “mens business”. The two rings are connected by a sacred pathway approximately 400m long.

 The Bora Grounds are surrounded by grazing country. I was only recently told about this place by a friend who took me on a tour around the area.

 Photo of a Bora Ring. This is the only Bora Ring at the park  you can get close to, the other ring is located on a farmers property and dared not climb through the fence to get there.

       A better view of the Bora Ring

 Bora Grounds have enormous history but unfortunately there was not much to see at the park. Expected to see ancient ornaments and tools but all seems lost through lack of preservation. A great lost to Australian culture and History.

 The country side is beautiful and had to add this photo of the logs.

  At the entrance looking in...

      Grazing land on the other side of the road.

    The road to the park...walking back to the car I decided to take this photo of a country road.

Found this cactus growing amongst the grass. I have not seen a cactus grow wild before in Australian Bushland so I became a little fascinated with the plant.

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